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Lifetime Student Grade Register (LSGR) Explained
Lifetime Student Grade Register (LSGR) Explained
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to the Lifetime Student Grade Register (LSGR)

The Lifetime Student Grade Register – or ‘LSGR’ for short – is a revolutionary system setup by BMABA in late 2022 to create the UK’s very first permanent record of martial arts participants. The premise is simple; to allow clubs to formally register a student grade at an initial grade, and to then have a record that can be easily updated throughout that student’s lifetime to ensure a proper, real-time and permanent record of grade and attainment. For system behind it however, is anything but simple and involves more than 1,000,000 API communications among our various record databases and systems per month to work.


It makes it really easy for clubs to add a supreme amount of worth to your grades. No longer are they purely club-level recognised; they’re now nationally recognised, and will be forever more. It’s a great marketing tool for parents and students alike – ‘real’ grades that are indexed on a publicly searchable database, so when you say they’ve earned their 5th Kyu there is a national record from a major association to back that up. No only this, it’s a great tool for your own record keeping, removing one more admin task from your list.


No longer are they paying for just a standard grading. Now their grade (or their child’s grade) is recognised nationally by a major association. This means wherever they go in the UK, their grade will follow. It adds huge value to any grading certificate recieved, and helps students to trust the club when it issues grades, and to take that grading seriously.

Why Use The LSGR?

The LSGR provides a modern way of improving club marketing, retaining students, creating recognised life-long grades for students, and contributing to the very first national register for martial arts students in the UK. It’s a big deal, and it’s free for clubs to use. We’ll continue to fund it in full, provided clubs make use of the awesome technology on hand.

Prerequisites For Creating an LSGR Record

Before you can create a lifetime student grade register record you need to first of all have the individual saved as a registered named student.

Why Do I Have To Have The Student As A Named Students?

We need to have a permanent, life-long base to attribute a student record to. This requires the student’s name, date of birth and other particulars in a way which can be easily cross-referenced to the LSGR. The only method we have that is secure and robust enough to handle this is a named student registration. This produces a student licence, and a permanent record when a student joins your club. This forms the starting point for a life-time long record.

I Use Open Allocation Students. Is That Okay?

Unfortunately not. The nature of the lifetime record means we need to base this on a permanent, un-expiring and non-editable student record. This is why we must insist on named students. If you use open allocation students, please speak with us as we can often produce free of charge named records without insurance, so you can make use of the LSGR without incurring cost. We haven’t setup the LSGR to make any money, so if you’ve already paid for student cover as open allocations, we can swap that to named for however many records you need to produce without charge.

I Have No Named Students. What’s The Cost & How Do I Sort It?

If you want insurance, you can register students for £3.90 per student, per year from here.

If you don’t want insurance, we can set up a named student record without insurance, so they have the licence required to setup a lifetime grade, for £0.89 as a one-off charge. You don’t need to keep renewing the licence – we just need one to be setup in the first instance.

Click here to register them online. It’s automatic and instant. Crucially, toggle the insurance to ‘£0’ and this will reduce the cost to just £0.89. You won’t receive any student documentation.

After doing this, you will see the student on your ‘named student’ list and you can then proceed to setup LSGR records. If you want to do this in bulk, please contact us for help getting this in place.

Creating Lifetime Student Records

Creating a lifetime student record is quick and easy.

1) Start by going to the LSGR Dashboard. When looking at the six available boxes, go to the Green ‘CREATE NEW LSGR RECORD’ box at the top right.

2) Next, presuming you have a registered named student, you can click ‘MY STUDENT IS REGISTERED’ (green button).

3) Complete the initial LSGR record creation step. This is important, so you need to do this carefully to get it right. You can edit details at a later stage but you should always ensure you enter correct information when setting up an account, as it is reconciled to our national register immediately. If you want to create records on mass, please contact us via the chat box awt the bottom right of the screen. There’s a £0.89 per record fee for this but we can provide you with an excel spreadsheet which you may use to enter data on massive scale, rather than individually.

4) After submitting the registration, you’re done. The LSGR record has been created and will show up in the portal, under LSGR (here) typically within a few seconds of submission. If you can’t see the student after 10 minutes of registration, please raise this with us and we can take a closer look.

Managing & Updating Student Records

You can quickly and easily update student records to reflect new grades and achievements from the portal. Look for LSGR on the left hand menu. The link is here, if you need a shortcut.

You’ll see a summary of your LSGR entries. These initially show 10 per page, but can be extended from the top to show up to 100 per page. If you enter more than 200 records, you’ll need to use our enterprise portal instead which is a little more like a rolling spreadsheet. Please ask us for access, if you hit this limit.

Click any of the LSGR numbers to visit the record page.

From this page, you can easily see all of the key details, including the public link to their record page and any notes. You can click the orange edit button (shown above, top right of the screen) to go to edit. From the edit screen, you will lose sight of anything that can’t be changed by yourself and this makes it quicky and easy to update grades and other details.

When you’re done, press ‘UPDATE’ from the bottom right to save the changes.

You have the ability to update or provide;

  • Grade

  • Style

  • Any formal notices you may want to add, such as ‘temporary grades’ or ‘feedback’ (please bear in mind this is public!)

  • Grading Club

  • Grading Date

  • Any Additional Examiners

  • Grading City/Town

  • Lead Examining Instructor

  • You can also attach documents or certificates, should you wish although this is not public.

What The Public See

When searching from by name, the user will see a list of closely matching names.

When clicking through to an individual listing, all of the records on the LSGR are public.

Producing Proof of Grade

From the LSGR Dashboard you can select ‘LSGR GRADING CERTIFICATES’.

This will present you with a page on which you can select the type and style of grade certificate you wish to produce. Click through to create the document.

On the entry page, you need to enter the LSGR Number and LSGR PIN to produce the document. Enter this from the portal. We’ve put the two identifiers together, to make it easier.

You’ll find the ‘LSGR Number’ and the ‘DIGITAL PIN’ on the LSGR List, in the Portal.

Press ‘submit’ and you’re done. Copies of digital certification will come through to you by email within a few minutes.

Producing Your Own Certificates?

You can still continue to create your own certificates – you don’t need to use our proof of grade. If you’d like to use a unique identifier, you can use the ‘LSGR Number’ (i.e: LSGR/231/A) to make your document unique, and easily identifiable. From the LSGR Dashboard, you can find a bank of logos and accreditation marks you can use freely on your documentation and websites.

Additional Questions & Bespoke Onboarding Issues

We’re happy to help. Please start a live chat from the bottom right of your screen and our team will be happy to help.

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