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Eligibility Criteria To Join BMABA
Eligibility Criteria To Join BMABA
Giovanni avatar
Written by Giovanni
Updated over 8 months ago

We set what is often referred to as some of the highest standards of eligibility requirements for any UK martial arts association. This in turn allows us to confidently represent a membership base of capable, professional clubs, instructors, coaches and senseis with as much assurance as we can that everybody holds the technical skills needed to safely instruct.

Our eligibility guidelines are not designed to be punitive or unduly complex, however they do offer our association – and therefore our members and the general public – a robust mechanism to deter cowboys and McDojos from gaining our coveted recognition.

Need help understanding terminology or eligibility? Please speak with the team on chat - we'll do our best to support you.

This eligibility criteria is only applicable to the lead instructor (if registering more than one instructor) or to you, if you're an individual instructor signing yourself up (as you will also be considered the lead instructor).

Our eligibility criteria for lead instructors is split into three categories;

Grades, Qualifications & Experience

We accept that just because you’re a black belt, it doesn’t necessarily make you a good instructor. We employ a minimum grade, qualification or experience requirement for every member to ensure we’re only working with those who hold a sound level of knowledge, technical understanding and professional competency in every style they are recognised to teach.

If you teach a style with recognised grades

Styles with recognised grades typically speaks of 'traditional' styles within which there is a preset expectancy of grades - such as Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, and so on.

For the avoidance of doubt, we accept Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) from Purple Belt upward as a Black Belt Equivalency.

In order to join us within a graded or belted discipline, you must hold the following;

  • A minimum 1st Dan Black Belt (or equivalent, if working from Degrees or other, including BJJ at which we accept Purple and above) that has been earned after a minimum of 3 years and 8 months of continued practice.


  • An association issued instructor’s certificate earned after the same minimum period of time that qualifies you as an instructor, issued by a trustworthy and reputable organisation.

You must be able to provide proof of this grade when applying for membership. This must be the dan grade certificate. A copy can be provided in digital format (digital copy, photograph, scan etc) or a photocopy may be sent to our office. Instructions are provided and easy to follow at the point of applying.

If you teach a martial art without recognised grades

Styles without recognised grades refers to disciplines that do not typically or universally have accepted grades. This might include Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Self Defence, HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) or Martial Arts Based Boxing and other disciplines that do not traditionally have grading or belt structures.

Black Belt Equivalency

We provide additional details on the various options for black belt equivalencies below the initial requirements, so please click here to explore this further.

In order to join us within a non graded discipline or sport you must be able to provide the following;

  • A minimum of 4 years continued practice within a singular style or discipline with some form of documentary evidence

In addition to the above, one or more of the following will also be required;

  • Written testimony from an instructor or coach who is happy to confirm that you hold the appropriate level of skill, technical competency and professional integrity to instruct unsupervised.


  • Documented evidence to demonstrate continued practice for atleast 4 years in the form of club memberships, licenses, certificates or fighter records along with a video submission confirming a ‘snapshot’ of the applicant’s abilities and technical understanding that satisfies the board of competency


  • An instructor’s certificate or qualification provided it is from a reputable, trustworthy organisation

Black Belt Equivalency Explained

We setup the first full Black Belt Equivalency process in 2012 for instructors joining from ungraded styles, or from ungraded backgrounds. Today this process has helped thousands of genuinely credible instructors access our trade body and association.

If you don't have a set grade because your style doesn't follow the usual 1st Dan hierarchy, or because you've trained in a club without grades, please see our black belt equivalency process below.

If you teach multiple styles

In order to join us with more than one discipline in both categories, you will be expected to meet both separate eligibility guidelines for each discipline you wish to be listed for.

We do understand the possibility of ‘run over’ (I.E: Being a black belt in Jujitsu and Kick Boxing and therefore wanting to run an MMA class, without any specific certification) and this isn’t an issue. If you’re not sure, please just touch base with our office first and we’ll gladly assist in clarifying.

If you do apply for multiple 'linked' styles (i.e: Karate, Self Defence, Kickboxing, Freestyle Kickboxing etc) bu only provide evidence for (in this example) Karate, we'll accept the link style (Self Defence) but not the secondary disciplines (Kickboxing) without specific documentation.

Personal Qualities, Ethics & Conduct

As a leading UK martial arts organisation we’re looking for a special type of instructor to join us. As a member of the BMABA, we’re looking for the key qualities that make you a really good instructor and a superb role model. Namely, these qualities are;

  1. An honest and open approach to martial arts and teaching

  2. The integrity to admit when you are wrong and learn from your own failings

  3. A professional attitude to your instruction and affiliation with the inclination to develop yourself as a coach

  4. Compassion for your fellow citizens.

  5. You’ll need to be 18 years old if you are registering as an individual instructor not under the authority of a lead instructor.

We represent professional instructors. For us this doesn’t just mean having the correct technical skills. We want instructors and coaches who approach their teaching as an art and a passion in it’s own right. The love of what you do and the discipline to better yourself is the same you’ll want from your students on the mats, and we want to see professional coaches and senseis who feel the same about their attitude toward running a club.

Criminal Records & Convictions

As you can no doubt understand, we’re committed to safeguarding our members and as such we need to set certain standards surrounding criminal records and past convictions.

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 gives people with spent convictions and cautions the right not to disclose them when applying for most jobs or professional memberships, and for other products/services like when buying insurance. Apart from those given prison sentences of more than 4 years, most people with convictions will benefit from it at some point in their lives.

Whilst we recognise the importance of convictions becoming spent, as we deem all of our members to be in a position of working with children and other vulnerable groups we must request details of spent convictions as well as those currently not classed as spent.

We’re proud to hold an ethical and balanced approach to criminal histories and convictions, understanding that many of the best martial arts instructors have themselves faced challenging and difficult lives – hence inspiring them to instill change in others. Whilst this may be the case, our duty to safeguard our members and the general public must be considered.

You will be asked when applying for membership to disclose all spent and unspent convictions. If you fail to disclose any such spent or unspent convictions at the point of applying, and subsequently should this be uncovered through DBS checks or any other future enquiries, we reserve the right to withdraw (without notice) your membership without compensation.

Our advice is to speak with our office in confidence before applying. Everybody is afforded complete privacy and confidentiality, and the compassion of experienced members of our senior management when querying whether or not their criminal history may be a bar to entry. We will not discriminate against you because you have a criminal record – we will only make decisions based on an established risk assessment.

Whilst it does depend on the nature and circumstance of your crime, we’re generally able to pass-off any minor offences, or those that have been spent a considerable amount of time ago. That said, if it’s likely to show up on a DBS check, you must remember to inform us before applying.

Please do consider that this guidance is minimum eligibility only and isn't the compulsory requirements we set for all actively teaching instructors - just the requirements to gain membership. Depending on who you teach, you'll be required to hold things such as Safeguarding Qualifications, DBS checks, first aid training and more. We can help with all of this, but you can find a full guide to what's needed to teach below;

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